Quick question...
Ok, I think it's pretty darn awesome that we have sold over 1500 copies of Amazing Alabama on Amazon... not to mention the other ways people can purchase my book (Books A Million, Barnes & Noble, NewSouth Books, my website, and at countless museums and gift shops around the state).
But take a look at this:
The above map shows where in the country Amazing Alabama has been purchased from Amazon. Other than the usual suspects (locations around Alabama and the southeast), I've sold books to people in California, Colorado, Washington state, Missouri, Illinois, and Massachusetts (to name just a few).
**happy dance**
Therein lies my question: What (other than the incredible artwork and insightful research - heehee), compels someone to purchase a coloring book (from a relatively unknown author/illustrator) about a state all the way across the country? Did they live here at one time? Are they a coloring book collector like me? Are they getting ready to move here and wanted to learn a bit more about our incredible state?
“Inquiring minds want to know”